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Why do Mommies Keep Their Eggs Away From me?

I wonder why

Bhavnaa Narula


Four dusty eggs sit peacefully in a nest surrounded by round basket-like wooden twigs and green leaves
Photo by Lance Reis on Unsplash

I’m not saying this because my self-esteem is currently low. I’m saying this because it’s true.

Pigeon Mom’s don’t trust me.

They see me as a peeping Tom for their eggs which is true but my intentions are 24-carot pure. I swear.

First of all, it’s not my fault they choose my balcony to lay their eggs. And legally, if something is on my property, laid or otherwise it’s technically mine, isn’t it?

But I’m not even thinking of suing them for trespassing. I am just thinking about their protection.


I do eat eggs, sure, but I certainly don’t want to eat mama pigeon’s eggs. How do I explain this simple concept to her?

I’m just a curious soul, that’s all.

I love to see the mama pigeon sitting on the eggs, making her neck dance in different directions and inspiring me as a dance teacher.

I go too close to her eggs just so I can see their daily progress. Sometimes, I check the progress too little too soon like say every 2 seconds, which stops the neck dancing and drives the mama into an alert position.



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